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A member registered Apr 07, 2017

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I fully support this line of thinking, and offer my assistance if ever needed. ^__^

Ah, I see.  Thanks for the response.  I was hoping that population X density equated to how many buildings got output, but it doesn't seem like that's the case.  I look forward to seeing the points of interest getting output, I liked seeing the names in there when I inspected the page and having them surfaced on the front end would make the maps super interesting. (especially if you're using these maps as inspiration for a book you're writing, like I am) ^__^

when I view the console output during village generation, I'm seeing a lot of cool stuff that isn't shown on the map.  Apparently the map I generated has a town hall, a tavern called The Black Chalice, an inn called The Wet Lady, and a home belonging to someone named Saer Eastshield... I'm guessing this is all stuff you're working on surfacing at some point or another via a landmark feature w/ a legend.  In the map settings, you can control population density but not the actual population.  Being able to manually enter that would be super helpful vs rolling new villages till you get into the ballpark you're looking for. :)

I love the work you've done here! I'm confused though as to what the exported JSON is good for. I don't see a means to load a saved file other than under the style settings but that seems unrelated.

then it wouldn't be a zero player game xD

Thanks for putting this together and offering it in the bundle.  I'm really not much of a gamer but I wanted to support the cause.  I'm glad this was included and downloaded it to use as references for races in some fantasy/litRPG books I'm writing ^__^